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Investigating Workplace Complaints

All employers have a legal obligation under California and federal law to conduct prompt, thorough and objective investigations on employees’ complaints about harassment, discrimination and retaliation in the workplace. Moreover, investigations into workplace complaints can resolve problems early, promote employees' confidence about the workplace, and ensure compliance with policies and the law.  


Shivani Sutaria serves as neutral, third-party investigator. She investigates complaints of discrimination, harassment, retaliation, accommodation issues, workplace violence, bullying and all types of alleged misconduct.  Ms. Sutaria draws on her years of employment law experience and expertise to conduct objective, skilled, prompt and comprehensive fact-finding investigations.  She utilizes proven investigative techniques to obtain the relevant facts, analyze the collected data, conduct credibility analysis, and provide factual findings in a comprehensive report.


Shivani Sutaria is an active member of the Association of Workplace Investigators (AWI), has completed AWI’s Training Institute for Workplace Investigators and is AWI Certificate Holder.  She co-convened the Silicon Valley Local Circle from August 2019 through 2022 and has served as Part-Time Faculty for the AWI Training Institute in September 2021 and November 2022.  She will be serving as Part-Time Faculty at the upcoming AWI Training Institute in Santa Barbara in February 2023. 


Shivani Sutaria Law Offices Investigation-Related News:

  • Shivani Sutaria presented at the San Mateo County Bar Association's Labor & Employment Webinar on the "Dos and Dont's of Workplace Investigations" on March 28, 2024. 

  • Shivani Sutaria co-presented at the AWI webinar on "Crossing Borders: Unique Aspects of Investigations Involving Immigrants" on September 13, 2023.

  • Shivani Sutaria served as part-time faculty at the AWI Training Institute in November 2023, February 2023, November 2022 and September 2021. 

  • Shivani Sutaria co-presented at AWI's Workplace Investigation Basics Virtual Seminar Series on "Evidence, Interviewing & Credibility" on April 26, 2022. 

  • Shivani Sutaria co-presented at at the AWI's Annual Conference on "#mybosssucks: Navigating Social Media Posts in Investigations" on October 14, 2021.

  • Shivani Sutaria's published an article in The Practitioner, the publication for the Solo & Small Firm Section of the California Lawyers Association, titled "The Four “W”s of Workplace Investigations: When, Who, What to Expect and What is Adequate."



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